October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    i’ve been trying to make myself occupied with many things. whether it be reading, watching movies, listening to music etc. but the problem is that whenever i tried to make myself immersed in something, i genuinely can't. i used to enjoy many things, but lately the quirks that made me genuinely interested in that certain things disappear. i can't seem to enjoy something without being disoriented. i used to read/watch something and being totally immersed within the world of that. but now i can't help but think of something along these lines: "what the hell am i doing?" "how many times i have left"
    "this probably will end up like this" "this character is a mere narration tool" and i cant help but to take no interest in the characters, plot, and whatever it is that's going on. if anything, if i can stay and watch/ read something, it would take so much work within myself. and i would immediately overanalyze the themes and such to the point that i disorient and barely care about the characters. i just dont feel that certain pull that i used to feel for the characters in any fictions i consumed. now it's just a bunch of over disorienting, being the third person watching, and being extremely detached and such. i don't know but these feelings really take the joy out of reading/ watching or basically anything that i do. any suggestions about what am i supposed to do? i have tried many things, whether it's taking a break from reading/watching, taking a walk and such, but yeah it doesn't really help.. i don't know, have you ever felt like this? thank you, and can you give me some recommendations of something entirely new and fresh that i can consume.. maybe i would be extremely immersed within it.. if it’s something i never experienced before, hahah.. sorry for ranting.

    by jeanneofark

    1 Comment

    1. Wild_Preference_4624 on

      Have you tried nonfiction? Maybe a memoir or something like that would work better for you than something fictional.

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