July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I‘m looking to get into something kind of spooky but not too realistic and kind of in the new/young adult area.

    I‘ve read one slasher before and got weirdly scared after the first chapter already and I‘ve also read a horror book about an adult woman with her husband and kids and while it was a good book and I finished it, as someone who‘s only 21 years old I can’t necessarily relate too much.

    The ones I‘ve read so far that scratched the itch for me personally were The Salt Grows Heavy by Cassanda Khaw and A House with Good Bones by T. Kingfisher (and I already got more of her books that I want to read) so if anyone knows books similar to those (I think What Moves the Dead by T. Kingfisher would also be a good example) please share them with me bc I want to read more of those!

    (I also don’t mind super gory descriptions. The Salt Grows Heavy did give me a nightmare but I have those all the time anyways so idm and I didn’t feel overly disgusted or scared while reading it.)

    by venomjens

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