October 2024
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    Does anybody have any good books they would recommend? For context, I am 23 and haven't read a book since I was probably 15. I am incredibly ADHD and unmedicated, and get very bored/distracted very easily which has always made it difficult for me to read most books. Usually I can only read manga or comics (childish I know, im sorry).

    Over the past 8 years my reading has consisted entirely of manga. Almost all in the stoic/philosophical self-discovery + action genre (Vagabond, Vinland Saga, Berserk, The Climber, etc.). I have enjoyed books like The Road by Cormac McCarthy, Boy in the Striped Pajamas, Of Mice and Men, but that's all I can really think of. Books that are more realistic, and rather sad. I am not sure why the captivated me, but I was bawling at some point during most of these. Something about books that destroy my heart keep me entertained.

    I have tried reading big titles like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc. and I felt like they were cheesy or too slow and I really couldn't get into them. For some reason even though I enjoy "mythical" or "fairy tale" movies, I can't seem to enjoy the books at all. I also tried John Green books back in high school because everyone said they were so sad, and while they were okay, I think the purely love genre is not so much for me, but if someone can prove me wrong, please do. Lastly, I've never really read anything in the "mystery" or "thriller/murder" genre, but I've just never been interested… again, open to being proved wrong.

    It is difficult searching on my own when I don't have a lot of reading behind me. Sorry if this post comes across and too picky or difficult, this is not my intent. I am truly open to most suggestions, even if they do not perfectly fit in the bounds of realistic, sad, or gut-wrenching self discovery. Length of book does not matter to me, but please do not recommend books that are written like Shakespeare or Charles Dickens.. I was forced to read a lot of it in high school and never understood a damn word, lol

    by wormmcore


    1. jinkies_youstopthat on

      I am curious how far into some of the books you have made it. I also have ADHD, and for me I have to make it past the first 100 pages on most books to get into them. It takes me a while to chip away sometimes days, sometimes literal months of setting a book down and picking it back up to read 5 pages, days later. I am always reading 5-7 books at a time because of this. For me I have to get to the hook, and then I will devour it in a day.

      I got back into reading with the Sara J Maas books. I started the first Throne of Glass about 5 times before I got hooked, and then I read the whole series of about 4800 pages in 2 weeks. But I have been reading Mistborn, for over a year and am only halfway through. I hate not finishing books though.

      I would try some lighter fantasy books maybe. I know a lot of people don’t like Sara J Maas, but I think she’s a really easy way into fantasy for a lot of people and I love seeing people get into fantasy. It’s my favorite genre for sure, but most of it is really heavy.

      The issue with fantasy is there is often a lot of world-building that takes a long time to get setup and that can be a slog. That’s why for many, you have to really push through, even if it means taking breaks and coming back to it.

      My recommendation for Fantasy is Throne of Glass or Chronicles of Narnia.
      Michael Crichton was my favorite for sci-fi. I loved Prey.
      Romance -Funny People- Emily Henry

      The Glass Castle may be one that you enjoy if you like sad books.

    2. Fisheyetester70 on

      Ooh ok so let’s talk comics first, do you like Star Wars? Because there’s a shit ton of those comics both new cannon and old. The dark horse old republic run has a bunch of cool stuff. Then there’s non starwars stuff like the new venom run is really really good!

      Then if you like classics that make you sad, Lord of the Flies might be a quick one for you. These British kids’ plane falls in the middle of the ocean managing to strand them all on island. It’s the story of how they cope, try to form a government, and encounter the very adult feelings of unbridled rage and envy

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