October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Now i've been fascinated by literature for a long time i've loved reading novels ever sinces like…. 6th grade so i was pretty proud of my taste. i was always told comics are for kids i didn't believe ofc but i didn't count them as literature cuz they could never really compare with the novels that i read….. but that all changed when i discovered a Japanese mangaka called tatsuki fujimoto i first read his most popular work which is chainsaw man…… id heard about it though my friends but never really paid any mind to it cuz i don't like anime n all that stuff but one day out of sheer boredom i decided to give it a go i watched the series and i felt something different…….. as if id just watched a miyazaki film or read murakami i just HAD to have more… so i picked up the manga……. and it GENIUNILY broke me…… i don't even remember the last time i cried reading a book but this series had me breaking down into tears every night for the next MONTH not exaggerating it might've been an overreaction on my part but im not someone who reacts emotionally to moving pictures or a bunch of words on a piece of paper. but i'm not here to talk a bout chainsaw man here….. i wanna talk about another one of his works called 'look back' it's a single volume manga and it's prolly the highest form of literature in the manga/anime format……. it is literally the most bittersweet story i've ever read and it helped me come out of really dark places it gave me a purpose to live and create again i had really been struggling to find inspiration in making music because how tedious and long the process was and that book helped me bounce back and start creating again the themes it tackles are some of the most intimate and personal ones i've seen and that's true for literally all of his works……. fujimoto is a genius and he needs to be recognised for what he is so i BEG you all……. read look back and i hope it'll change ur life for the better…. like it did with me

    by Business_Ad5436

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