July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I feel like most of the books I’ve read have been about men, children, teenagers/young adults, single and/or childless women (either by choice or because they couldn’t have children), or unhappy/negative portrayals of motherhood (struggling single mother, grieving mother, mother who didn’t want to be a mom or dislikes being a mom, children with bad relationships with their mother and vice versa, mentally ill/addict mothers, etc). Any suggestions for books about mothers where like… the protagonist or a main character is a mom, and it’s a part of her life/the story, but she’s fine with it and motherhood itself isn’t a big source of conflict?

    by MarsupialPanda


    1. wineANDpretzel on

      {{Now is Not the Time to Panic by Kevin Wilson}} – MC is a normal mom. She also recounts her high school years and MCs relationship with her mom is normal. But being a mom is not the focal point of the story.

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