October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I'm 28 and going trough a very tough period of time in my life. I struggled with bouts of depression and SI since I was pretty young. I'm trying my best to turn around my life, one thing I noticed is, that I have been exposed to many many harsh realities but not much to "real" life actually I been incredibly isolated my whole life.

    I'm going trough a brutal break up, it sent me to rock bottom, and I really fucking need to step up and enhace my self. The person who raised me is / was out of his mind, not only was he abusive, he was also a shit parent when it comes to teach me anything, I was literally never raised emotionally and never did I get any sound advice, EVER. So, I'm searching for books that will give me "a life time" of knowledge so to speak.

    Eye opening books on real issues one will face in life. Be socially speaking, romantically, laborally, emotionally etc

    What makes the cut is that it has to be a book that you would read if or make someone you love read when they are screwed up.

    by Gregory_Gp

    1 Comment

    1. I can relate to this to a certain extent, and in my experience fiction will be more helpful than you’d think. The wayfarers series by Becky chambers has done wonders for my ability to interact with and appreciate other people. Ursula k le guins work has also helped me just feel a lot more stable in how I interact with the world, especially the earthsea series and her novellas.

      You might also benefit from books that touch on sociological concepts like normativity. Care work by Leah lakshmi piepznia-samarasinha is a really important text in disability literature and changed my brain a ton.

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