October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Over the years, I've read books like:

    • Radium Girls
    • Empire of Pain
    • Bad Blood

    All of these were insanely infuriating to read, and I was rooting for an "evil" person/corporation's downfall the entire time. They were so brazenly taking advantage of people and/or actively harming them, anything to make more money. These were also totally spellbinding books for me that I could not put down. I'm curious if anyone knows any similar books. Thank you!

    by SixtyTwenty_


    1. The Teapot Dome Scandal: How Big Oil Bought the Harding White House and Tried to Steal the Country by Laton McCartney

    2. Missoula by Jon Krakauer — Not only infuriating, but deeply sad and frustrating.

    3. AcceptableFootball99 on

      What Made Maddy Run is incredibly sad and infuriating in a “whyyyy won’t anyone just LISTEN” kind of way

    4. of_circumstance on

      Flying Blind by Peter Robison, about what’s gone wrong with Boeing in the past few decades

    5. ChaoticClock on

      There are quite a few diaries of colonists out there, as well as diaries of plantation owners. Not to mention diaries of major nazi politicians such as Goebbels. I don’t know if going to the original sources would be going too far for you?

    6. angry-mama-bear-1968 on

      The Smartest Guys in the Room – the Enron shitshow. I almost died of a rage-stroke.

    7. I haven’t read it yet, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt, **Say Anarcha by J. C. Hallman.** My sister recommended it to me. She said the writing isn’t the best, but the contents are worth suffering through through the grammatical errors.


      For more than a century, Dr. J. Marion Sims was hailed as the “father of modern gynecology.” He founded a hospital in New York City and had a profitable career treating gentry and royalty in Europe, becoming one of the world’s first celebrity surgeons. Statues were built in his honor, but he wasn’t the hero he had made himself appear to be.

      Sims’s greatest medical claim was the result of several years of experimental surgeries―without anesthesia―on a young enslaved woman known as Anarcha; his so-called cure for obstetric fistula forever altered the path of women’s health.

    8. Oliver Stone’s Untold History of the United States

      The things the US got up to against governments they disapproved of for financial reasons were outrageous

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