September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is a bit embarrassing to admit, even to strangers, but I haven’t read a book for fun in about 7 years. I just saw the post in this sub about bad books and realized how long it had been. I read World War Z about 7 years ago and I was literally enraged at the writing by the end of the book. It came so highly recommend by friends, I felt betrayed, didn’t pick up a book for fun since.

    Anyway, my weird mental issues aside, Im really missing reading a good fun book, but I feel like I need a win for my first book back. Invisible Monsters by Chuck P. has been my long standing favorite book. I love the chaos, the mystery, the out there and outrageous story, and the great characters. I live in a small town and only ever ran into one other person who liked the book, (the girl who gave me her copy), i was hoping I could get a recommendation from someone else who is a big fan of that book. Doesn’t have to be similar or anything, but I think what I loved most was the way all the storylines tied together by the end, it was chaotic, cohesive and rewarding, (the exact opposite of World War Z)

    First time asking anything like this hope it is enough information.

    by POO__Hands


    1. Dungeon Crawler Carl.

      It is chaotic, cohesive and rewarding. It is outrageous with great characters.

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