July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m so tired of getting book suggestions and people saying something is “super gorey!” And then I read it and it’s just like… not? A lot of people and reviews said The Haunted Forest Tour was great when it comes to gore and blood and stuff but like… where?
    On the other side of the spectrum, I hate looking for good, dark, gruesome horror books and being recommended something like The Playground; where it’s not scary it’s just gross, lots of scenes written for shock value and nothing else.
    Does anyone know any good horror books that are a good middle ground?
    For reference, I really liked The Troop.

    (Honestly I didn’t hate The Playground, but other books of a similar genre just seem to be nothing but gross nsfw scenes with gross body fluids, no thank you.)

    by Radarcy

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