September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I liked tao te ching and meditations but Im not religious nor I like spiritualism. I like philosophy, but hegel and… kant? focault? A priest? Cant remember, I read them when I tried to study law, were a pain. I like science in general but books on them tend to be dry. Im not a fan of auto biographies and diaries, but I did enjoyed tolkien's movie. I like linguistics, music, architecture, art, mythology, but everything ive seen so far was either again, dry, or way too shallow.. I loathe self help and inspirational books (recommend me rich dad poor dad and I will chase you with a frying pan). I like history but I dont like how it is taught. Humor? Not a fan in books outside of fiction. Economics? Its ok if they tie down to a more general subject but otherwise I prefer the theory. Cookbooks and the like are of course out of the question because they are more manual than story. Traveling stuff ive eyed out was meh. etc etc

    Anything you can recommend me?

    by simonbleu

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