July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Of the Kickstarter books it’s better than the Frugal Wizard one but not as good as Tress. It starts really slow and almost like a parody of Sanderson where he’s just extremely expository about the magical wrinkles of his setting. Eventually though, the characters do get interesting and shine through.
    Like Frugal Wizard one, the protagonist is basically an accidental protagonist who isn’t necessarily heroic, but it works a lot better in this book. It skews a little more YA on the Sanderson spectrum and it’s a quasi romance but it sort of works.

    Like Tress, the narrator is Hoid, and it gets very Tell Don’t Show at the end where we get the Word of God as far as what *actually* happened earlier in the book.

    Didn’t hate reading it, mostly enjoyed the ride, and the last 100 pages are exciting but it’s not something I’d recommend to someone who isn’t a Sanderson completionist.

    by Mumbleton


    1. Boo, Hoid is a terrible narrator. Is it as multiversal as Tress? I find Tress is a worse story for how much other parts of the Cosmere leak in. I’m going to put this off until I’m fully caught up on the rest of the Cosmere, Mistborn 6 had too much stuff coming out of nowhere and I want the most context possible before I read something experimental from Sanderson.

    2. I believe the r/Cosmere subs has discussion forms for this book if you haven’t engaged there already OP.

      Though note general sentiment is the book is the best if the 3. (Though dislike for the ending seemed common alst I checked, even though I felt it was great.)

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