July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, I had read “The emperor of all maladies: a biography of cancer” by Siddhartha Mukherjee a few years ago. I am now looking for a similar book about the history of mental health illnesses diagnosis and treatment (maybe especially focused on anxiety and depression).

    I liked “The emperor of all maladies” because it was very scientific and historical, but it also included many patients’ stories (or glimpses of them) so it also helped me understand the human part of it in a time when a loved one had cancer. Now I’d like to read something similar to better understand and support some friends struggling with their mental health, as well as having a historical and scientifical broader context.

    Thanks in advance!

    by Escapist211

    1 Comment

    1. curiousopenmind22 on

      You could try A History of Delusions by Victoria Shepherd. It’s a brilliant book.

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