October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    So I realised that the last post I made on here was quite gumbled and hard to understand so I apolagise for that and will try it out this way instead and hope that helps.

    So I finished college a while ago for an animal care course. I loved it a lot and don’t regret taking it as it has taught me a lot and allows me to take even better care of the animals in my life. However, it has become apparent that trying to get a job in that field where I live is nearly impossible or requires a university degree which I havent taken the plunge on yet as it’s a lot of money and I’ve been saving up for a while and if I’m beging honest I’m having second thoughts on whether that’s the degree I wish to persue. I do love animal care but I have realised that there are other subjects that I may love more and may want to go into to study that would be easier later on for me to get a job so I would like to take this time to research more into them to not only see if that’s true but to see whether I still enjoy them after studying them for a while.

    So I’ve decided to take this year to research and learn more about those courses and what they would entail by looking into a few different things relating to them.

    First I am making a list of all subjects that interest me a lot that I may wish to persue.

    Second I’m looking at different collages and university’s courses on those subjects and the curriculum they offer to see what I would be learning and making a list on that and looking at jobs I could get after finishing those studies with those qualifications.

    Last I am trying to read more into those subjects to see if it is indeed something I could see myself doing as a job and enjoying for the rest of my life which leads me to here.

    So for the next few days you may see a few posts like this one popping up for me asking about different subjects and book reccomendations for those subjects. I hope that’s okay?

    So for today English Literature and Creative Writing! I have seen this course a few times and looked into it when I was younger but never picked it but it’s one that has interested me a lot and more so now that I recently got back into reading again and even attempting to write my own little stories and poems. I have been watching some videos on youtube of students who have studied courses like this and jotted down books they reccomended but it just truly sounds fascinating to me. So I would love some reccomendations for books that you think would be useful for a person to read who would be interested in studying a course like this? The basics and the more obscure are welcomed.

    Thank you to anyone who reccomends me a book!

    by Edenacris97

    1 Comment

    1. Are you considering an English degree? If you are, and you have a bottomless wallet, you could pick up any of [The Norton Anthologies](http://www.google.com/aclk?sa=l&ai=DChcSEwiEzMLw44qCAxUXV3IKHWm8DlMYABAFGgJxdQ&gclid=CjwKCAjwkNOpBhBEEiwAb3MvvS9OGoOEr3w3z0iYn2lpbVNMT5rC2XKb_I9dKdwL9Slp0KAYnmDwcxoCNkIQAvD_BwE&sig=AOD64_1AGWndx6V7ziq5HEJV3Y_Zw2_J1g&ctype=5&ved=2ahUKEwimiLXw44qCAxXQv4kEHfEQAMQQwg8oAHoECA4QBg&adurl=) on English Literature.

      It’s the authentic English major experience.

      If you want more fun books to read, that English professor typically toss out, anything by Jane Austen & Herman Melville tend to be my favorites.

      I’d warn you though, English literature is like welding history, philosophy, and art into one subject…and it doesn’t even pay too well at the end.

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