July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hey, first off, thanks for stopping by…

    So let’s head right into it.

    I am reading TOWH (currently in the 1st part, around CH 12) but struggling to get through it.

    I loved Brontës’ other works so I find it disheartening to not be able to enjoy one of their most cherished book.

    I am desperately trying to like this, I know the gist of what it is about, that’s what intrigued me at first but reading through the first part has been troubling for me.. and I kind of blame Gilbert’s narrative for it..? Does anyone feel the same?

    I don’t know why but reading through his perspective has been a drag for me. I love the Helen parts, but I hate to think that she’ll end up with him.

    So far he just feels like a ploy or mode to give readers a perspective on Helen, (like Nelly in WH) but Nelly presented some interesting views of herself even as a side character. I can’t believe this guy is one of our leads.

    I have a question for those who consider TOTWH their favorite Bronte book:

    Do you also like Gilbert as a character… (I know he might get better development in the later half of the book) but I have read a good chunk and he has been very unappealing to me so far as a lead character.

    What are your guys’ opinions? Please share. I would love to hear your passionate views.

    And how do you hold him against Heathcliff and Rochester?

    Thanks once again 🙂

    by readingalldays

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