September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was looking for apps that I could track my books and you have to pay for them. Which is understandable…but,it got me thinking about just old fashioned notebook paper and a pen.

    I enjoy it so much! Like,just went and found a spiral notebook,and a pen…just started writing characters in my book,what page I’m on…books I want to read in the future..books I’ve read in the past.

    I’m only 29…like most my age,tech is fun to use. But,something nice to old fashioned pen and paper.

    Anyone else like to do this?

    by mkebrewersfan

    1 Comment

    1. RevolutionFast8676 on

      I am tracking how many books i read this year using gmail. I have a thread going with myself and every time i finish one i reply to it. 

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