July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished reading the silent patient and thought it was good but I found some parts weird, for instance why would theo feel the need to wear a mask ? Wouldn’t gabriel instantly know who theo was when he goes ‘i know you cheated with my wife’ and if gabriel knew then eventually alicia would know as well (obviously no one expected alicia would murder gabriel). So effectively the mask was of no use.

    It was probably done because not having a mask would mean alicia would instantly recognize theo in the hospital and that would undo the storytelling of the book but it just felt like a weak story writing.

    Also why would theo convince the other docs that it was an attempted murder when they had already decided it was a suicide. I think the author did this to make the reveal more shocking / surprising but the in book explanation can be that ‘he just felt guilty?’ but i thought this was weak story writing as well

    by thatawkwardlesbian7


    1. I just think that it’s not a book that rewards this sort of analysis. I didn’t care for the book, but where a book like this has a place is in taking you for a ride. So, if you can, just say “I enjoyed that” and step away.

    2. blinkingsandbeepings on

      I was so disappointed by this book, I enjoyed the writing and the mystery and then the ending felt like such a cheat to me.

    3. RightShoeRunner on

      Spoiler alerts. The twist in this book was kind of cool. But I barely remember any details about this book: a stalker thing, a patient-doctor thing. I gave it three stars on GoodReads. It didn’t make a strong impression for me.

    4. I LOVED this book. I’m not sure if it’s because I listened to the audiobook and they had different readers do Alicia and Theo’s parts but I was so immersed in the story. I did not see the twist coming at ALL and it left me speechless.

      I think if I sat down and started properly analyzing the book and any plot holes then yes maybe I wouldn’t rate it as highly, but for me it was an utterly enjoyable experience!

      Alex Michaelides other book The Maidens has a very similar feel if you’re interested!

    5. Dry-Strawberry-9189 on

      I thought the twist was silly. Most of the book was enjoyable but since I found the beginning to be a slow start and felt the ending was weak, TSP was probably one of the most disappointing books I read last year.

    6. AcceptableObject on

      Did this book gain a lot of popularity on social media or something in the last month? There was another thread on this book just a few days ago too. I read it 4 years ago and really did not enjoy it.

    7. Primary_March_8412 on

      I liked the book. I didn’t expect the ending and I found it entertaining overall. I think the murder part was because he wanted to get rid of Christian ? Idk

    8. Silly-Flower-3162 on

      It definitely felt silly but you could put it up to Theo did both because he wanted to.

      With the mask, it’s just one of those that’s what people wear when breaking into houses. With Alicia’s death, i.m.o. Theo believed he was above suspicion because he was “just so smart”. I don’t think Theo feels guilt.

      Also, the author wanted dramatic reveals, but both fell flat to me.

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