September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    MC is a hero/heroine, but they can’t just save the world and be done with it- they have to deal with political machinations, and making morally ambiguous choices in order to survive/defeat “the enemy” (actual enemy, an oppressive system, etc.)

    Bonus if there’s a romance subplot with a devoted right hand wo/man who is either openly or covertly trying to help MC succeed through self-sacrifice and/or morally grey means.

    Please help me, I’ve been wanting to read something with this kind of setting so bad- it’s like craving a specific food there’s no searchable recipe for lol

    by Chloraborealis

    1 Comment

    1. IntenseGeekitude on

      This kind of craving is what starts writers writing! Just throwing that out there….

      Anyway *A Sudden Wild Magic* by Diana Wynne Jones is a fantasy novel that has pretty much all of that. But it has a lot more too and I’m not sure if it’s concentrated enough to satisfy your craving. 🙂

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