October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello readers!! I appreciate the book suggestions I’ve been getting, however there is a downside to those suggestions; they are mostly in third point of view. And most of my posts have had so many good suggestions which really sucks and gives me a sucker punch to my reader side.

    I am not picky or I try not to be but one of the ways I immerse myself into books is to read them in first person. I used to be able to read books, physical or ebook in third but because of my short attention spans and hard time focusing, I struggle a lot.

    I swear this will be the last post for a long while but can those who have read or like first person please recommend me (YA or not, physical or ebook, I’m desperate at this point) dark fantasy, historical fiction, romance, sci-fi, supernatural, paranormal and horror books that are in first person?

    I would absolutely appreciate it and again I am sorry, but thank you all so very much!

    by Cosmic_Writer24

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