July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. I cannot emphasize this book enough. Crushed, haunted, wrecked, devastated…it literally took me a month to recover. People keep asking for books that make it hard to sleep?

      *The Uninhabitable Earth* –David Wallace-Wells

    2. LifeHappenzEvryMomnt on

      I wish I could tell you the name of it. I think it’s “This is the way the world ends” by James Morrow. It’s post apocalyptic and the mc is promised if he does certain things he will get to see his daughter again. I’m going to stop right here…

    3. vintage_diamond on

      The ending of The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue had me in a funk for the rest of the day.

    4. “devastated” is a strong word, “In Cold Blood” by Capote is the closest I can think of.

      Based on real events, two guys tie an entire family in their remote home to rob them and end up killing them all, including a couple of kids, by shooting them in the face with a shotgun. The book narrates the story of the two killers and why they end up doing what they did. The worst part is that their lives are so horrible that by the end you can’t even hate them, you just feel depressed by the whole thing.

      I still think about that book from time to time after years of reading it.

    5. Consistent-Ease-6656 on

      Romeo Dallaire – Shake Hands with the Devil: The Failure of Humanity in Rwanda.

    6. * A Child Called ‘It’ by Dave Pelzer, could only read it once time.
      * Too Stubborn to Die by Cato Jamarillo
      * Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt
      * To See You Again: A True Story of Live in a Time of War by Betty Schimmel

      I like memoirs.

    7. Currently reading “The American Holocaust” and it’s breaking me and I have only read a quarter of it.

    8. Paula by Isabel Allende.

      The author’s account of what happened during and after her newlywed daughter Paula slipped into a coma at 28. She wanted to write it for her to explain everything that happened when she woke up.

      The grief rips you apart.

    9. The Little Prince.

      I read a few pages everyday and I was loving it. I was shocked when I read the ending. Isn’t it a children story book?

    10. claudiayaya06 on

      We need to talk about Kevin.
      Should’ve seen that ending coming, and yet I didn’t.
      What a masterpiece. Could’nt bring myself to read anything else for the following 6 months.

    11. Requiem for a Dream by Hubert Selby Jr. Movie is good but much watered down compared to book.

      Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr. Even requiem for a dream is walk in the park compared to this. And also got interesting style of writing.

    12. Book-supremacy on

      The Mirror Visitor series!! I cried my way through all of them. But honestly, they were SO GREAT. JUST UGHH. The series is definitely one of my favorites.

    13. Mokamochamucca on

      The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell. It’s about an expedition to another planet with only one survivor. Still thinking about it months later. There is a sequel but I haven’t gotten to the point where I can read it yet.

    14. A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry. Thankfully I read it with r/bookclub so I had people to process it with.

    15. Dry-Strawberry-9189 on

      Fiction: The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini

      Nonfiction: Know My Name by Chanel Miller + What My Bones Know by Stephanie Foo

    16. ProcrastinationCandy on

      Babel by R.F. Kuang. I absolutely loved it but it took me weeks to read because I was so tense just waiting for everything to go south.

    17. CompetitiveDiamond27 on

      The (almost) ending of Hunger Games: Mockingjay left me quite devastated, I was like 13 and absolutely not used to it not all being happy in the end.

    18. Never Let Me Go. There’s something so human about each character’s journey, and the ways they make peace with the world. Kathy H especially occupies a permanent corner of my psyche, standing in a field by the side of a road somewhere, gazing into the breeze, arms ever outstretched. I imagine her smiling; maybe a tear. Nothing I’ve read has ever stayed with me in quite the same way.

    19. TheWindUpBird22 on

      Turtles all the way down, I was devastated because of the 24 hours I’ve wasted on a book

    20. Datingafrenchfry on

      Tender is the flesh. I finished it, put it down and sat there thinking what the fuck did I just read.

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