September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Used to read so many books back in high school. Became an adult and worked too much over the years and not really had time or energy to read after. A while back I got a job where travel a lot and in that time I’ve gone through the entire Discworld series after only reading a couple of them back in high school, the Martian, Jurassic Park, and just finished Timeline again today. was a huge Michael Crichton, Terry Pratchett, and Neil Gaiman fan back in the day. don’t really have too much experience with more modern authors and books.

    Would anyone have recommendations along those types?

    I’ve read all of Michael Crichton so I really don’t want to keep rereading those. Terry Pratchett’s other books are good too and the same goes for Neil Gaiman but would really like to branch out from there.

    Also drive a lot so it would be a bonus the book has unabridged audiobook versions so dont have to stop.


    by Binary_Omlet


    1. Indifferent_Jackdaw on

      I’m not an audiobook person (no hate, just preference) so some of these might not suit but I’ll throw them out anyway.

      SA Cosby, I feel is writing really fresh and entertaining hardboiled triller books. Not a dupe of Crichton but I feel like he stimulates the same part of my brain. I have heard complaints from some people that they wish he was getting better editing and you know I understand that critism, but that is a publishing problem rather than an author problem.

      Couple of other thrillers I have enjoyed recently.

      Wrong Place, Wrong Time – Gillian McAlister

      Little Ghosts – Gregg Dunnett

      The River – Peter Heller

      There is only one Terry Pratchett but the current writer I think who comes closest to scratching the itch is T Kingfisher. She is not writing a new Discworld. But she does write warm, awkward, down to earth characters doing their best to navigate what life throws at them. Which is sometimes weird magic shit and sometimes (gasp of horror) it’s feelings. I would start with her Clocktaur War duology.

      The other writer who is the complete opposite to T Kingfisher but is also Terry adjacent is Tom Holt/KJ Parker. I’ll be honest I didn’t like his Tom Holt stuff, but I always enjoyed KJ Parker’s brutal black humour. Sixteen ways to defend a Walled City might be a good place to start.

      For Coraline/Graveyard Book Neil Gaimen I would look at Frances Hardinge. Cuckoo Song and the Lie Tree are both YA but I read them as an adult and loved them.

      For American Gods/Norse Mythology Neil Gaimen I’m going to recommend Simon Jimenez.

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