September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for some short story collections to add to my TBR but I’m looking for a very specific taste!!

    Wanting collections that are either modern retellings or some sort of adaptation collection of myths. Can be any type—could be all the same culture like Greek, or a mix, such as adding Greek; Norse; Celtic; Oceania; Egyptian; etc. altogether.

    However I’m not sure how many of those exist? So I’m also open to fantasy collections! Anything from spec fic like Kelly Link’s Get In Trouble to something that would be muuuuuch more “fantasy.” I’m also highly interested in sci-fi as well, although, not so much the doom and gloom stuff that makes a commentary on how basically life is or will be fucked. No Black Mirror-like books this time around, please.

    Also would be open to any poetry collections of any sort of mythological adaptations as the linking factor for the collection or collections that use the SFF themes and descriptors, especially revolving around some sort of love whether it’s in love or angsty falling out of love or whatnot. Ultimately, love as the poetic arc is not required, just mythology or fantasy and sci-fi elements.

    I look forward to any short stories or poetry collections you guys may know that fit this criteria!

    by sweetiebabylove


    1. IntenseGeekitude on

      So to get clear on what you’re asking, the fantasy or SF collections would also have to be retellings of myths?

    2. Disco__Wing on

      I have some books like that, but they are with Korean mythology. Is that something you’d be interested in?

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