September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Suggest me a book: With how birth rates and fertility have been becoming more and more of a talking point about Japan, China, Germany, Italy, etc. is there a book out there that talks about this subject closer to our modern situation of it and how it’ll affect the future? I know about the book Population Bomb, but it seems quite old at this point and people on podcasts like Books that can Kill have stated it to be discreditable. It can be about US domestic demographics too if those also are out there! I’m a bit of a demographics nerd.

    by Download2002


    1. Without Children: The Long History of Not Being a Mother by Peggy O’Donnell Heffington does a deep dive into the childless and childfree in the US

    2. There is a lot of eugenics, racism, and chauvinism out there in this realm of study, especially in the stuff that makes it into mainstream discussion. Just recommend you do some deep preliminary research about the authors and researchers you do end up reading.

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