September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello all. I am trying to educate myself and instead of just taking classes and obtaining certificates I won't use much, I figured I should read. I read occasionally, though mostly romance, and want some recommendations for books that will educate me on really anything and everything but I want it to keep me interested. Anyone can read or write a thousand plain facts. I want a thousand facts that have a story or have enough detail to make me ask questions. I hope some of you understand what I am looking for and will recommend some great books.

    by Ezra_asmr2111


    1. Collapse by Jared Diamond. Or an Erik Larson book ( Devil in the White City).

    2. imalovernotaspider on

      Diane Ackerman has some great books. A Natural History of the Senses is a favorite it explores how our different senses help us navigate and understand the world around us and how it varies by culture. Fascinating.

      I also loved Stiff by Mary Roach. It’s a great read about all the different things that can happen to our corpse when we donate our bodies to science.

      Guns Germs and Steel – dense but so well written. It explores the rise of civilization influenced by those 3 things. Again, just fascinating and a great read I think it won a PP

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