September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    As someone who reads a ton of Stephen King you might be surprised that his short stories are not my go to reading. Mostly because they are really good and the story ends so abruptly when it gets good or the story leaves you wanting more. Having said that I am currently reading The Virgin Suicides which starts off great and has a great premise but the story deviates from the girls much to often. I do understand that books need world and character building but for me personally some books would benefit so much more without the filler and getting to and staying on the point of a great premise. I am not done with The Virgin Suicides so I am not passing judgment on the book as a whole. I just want more focus on the Lisbon sister’s and less on how hot and a stud Trip or “the Tripster” is.

    I am sure most people will disagree with me but for those who do, what book in your opinion would be better as a concise short story instead?

    by iamwhoiwasnow

    1 Comment

    1. The 18,497 volume “Left Behind” series (the “General Hospital” of book series) could be condensed to a compelling 11 pages, with no loss in content, only loss in profit and gain in trees sacrificed.

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