July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I am an entrepreneur and a coder. I love creating things that solve problems and makes tech easier and accessible to people.

    While introspecting today with my co-founder on our startup journey, we realised a pattern.

    We make things that we believe are awesome products, we build it and launch it and then we’re not able to sell it, and since that’s demotivating, eventually in a few weeks-months, we pivot to a different product. In the meantime someone else with a similar product does really great.

    I want to learn more about the art, science and witchcraft of selling. Can you please help me with some good books/audiobooks?

    by WindowDecent3046

    1 Comment

    1. gotthelowdown on

      >We make things that we believe are awesome products, we build it and launch it and then we’re not able to sell it, and since that’s demotivating, eventually in a few weeks-months, we pivot to a different product. In the meantime someone else with a similar product does really great.

      The Star Principle by Richard Koch – Picking the right niche.

      The Mom Test: How to talk to customers & learn if your business is a good idea when everyone is lying to you by Rob Fitzpatrick – Build a product that customers actually want.

      Take the Cold Out of Cold Calling by Sam Richter – Even if you don’t want to cold-call, it’s worth learning how to research the people you want to contact.

      How to Get a Meeting with Anyone by Stu Heinecke – If you sell business-to-business (B2B), this is how to reach decision-makers.

      The Cold Email Manifesto by Alex Berman

      21 Secrets of Million-Dollar Sellers: America’s Top Earners Reveal the Keys to Sales Success by Stephen J. Harvill

      Game of Sales: Lessons Learned Working at Adobe, Amazon, Google, and IBM by David Perry

      The Qualified Sales Leader: Proven Lessons from a Five Time CRO by John McMahon

      The Conversion Code by Chris Smith

      You Can’t Teach a Kid to Ride a Bike at a Seminar by David Sandler

      The Lost Art of Closing by Anthony Iannarino

      Start With No by Jim Camp – It’s a negotiation book and an excellent one at that. Also has good advice for high-level sales and power positioning.

      Hope this helps and best of luck with your next launch.

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