July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was dumbed by my ex about eight months ago and it pretty much turned my life upside down. We knew each other for more than the ten years that we’ve been together and I also lived with her for more than six years. I think I’m through the initial grieving phase and that I have accepted the ending from a logical point of view. I also read a few books already about the most beneficial ways to handle all of the emotions from a psychological perspective which more or less helped me in some ways. I can’t say that I’m finally over it and on many days I’m still struggling pretty badly, missing her and the life we shared. I also dream about her a lot, primarily about the good times, closeness but also the moment were she told me that she wanted to be on her own and I realized that I really had to leave her. I think that really hurt me, maybe even traumatized me a little.

    All in all I’m looking for something uplifting and something that gives me a feeling that life is still worth it and that I have to keep going. That’s basically what I already did the last months. Tried to mourn it, getting active and going forward. But as the weather gets colder and I’m more often on my own again I’m also starting to ruminate more. I hope someone can suggest either fictional or non fictional/self help books.

    by RollingUtopia

    1 Comment

    1. I’m going to suggest some chick-lit, I hope you’re not offended

      *Eat Pray Love* – Gilbert (I think it helps to frame some loves as seasons in life and grief as a necessary journey between them).

      And if it were me, I would take on a kind of *Julie and Julia* – Powell, project to help mark that journey, one day at a time.

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