July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hello! I’m searching for something a bit specific here but I hope you all are able to help me out. I’m a 23y/o female and my father has been incarcerated since I was 9. I’m looking for books (non-fiction/self help preferably but fiction is fine if it’s relevant) for whom the target audience is the ADULT children of incarcerated parents and how the absence of the parent effects them. So far all I’ve been able to find on google are children’s books to help have that conversation when kids are younger.

    His release date is also coming up in the next few years for which I’m currently in therapy to work through, but any books about the release of an incarcerated parent/how to deal with that transition would also be greatly appreciated!

    Hopefully this exists, surely some psychologist somewhere has studied how long term incarceration of a parent effects children even into their adulthood! Thanks in advance for any help 🙂

    by mOOnchild-728


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