July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ve always been more of an audiobook person than a print book person… not that I don’t enjoy reading books, but I just find listening a more pleasurable experience. I think my brain just functions in a way that I take things in better that are spoken aloud to me than if I see them written down, and I find there’s something lovely and intimate in the knowledge that someone spoke aloud every word of something for me to enjoy.

    But I’ve recently realised that there’s something particularly special about audiobooks that you don’t really get with a print book, and that’s that it can be a social activity. With an audiobook, you can listen to it with your partner, or a friend or family member, in the same way you might watch a film together. Then you can enjoy the story together, talk about it, speculate on what’s coming next.

    It’s not essential to the literature-consuming process, but it adds something special to it. It’s like adding cream to strawberries.

    by georgemillman

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