October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Today, I began reading the book Speak by Laurie Haise Anderson, and I’m absolutely loving it. It’s a little under 200 pages, a short enough read. I have 40 pages left. It’s so immersive and incredibly relatable to me. The author completely nails the expression and inner thoughts of the protagonist, who I feel for as a fellow victim of sexual assault with trouble speaking and conflicted inner turmoil when it comes to feelings. It is a book that seems to aim for a young adult demographic, but I am still able to immerse and connect with the story. It progresses well and hints at the traumatic event that shaped the main character without flat out giving it away. So far, it’s an extremely well written book and I completely recommend it to anyone looking for a good, deep story.

    by Maniac_Marrs


    1. I think I remember this from middle school and then later they made a movie of it with Kristen Stewart.

    2. At 31, I read it for the first time a few months back. I’m on a mission to explore YA from my youth. I loved the snark but that humor came from a dark place; I had consistent chills while reading. And I wanted to fight fictional characters.

    3. I loved this book as a pre-teen and teenager. It helped me feel less alone dealing with my own trauma. I would love to re-read it, I need to pick up a copy!

    4. I bought this at a big second hand book sale, started it at the train station on the way home and didn’t put it down until I was finished. Such an amazing book.

    5. kimberosborne21 on

      Completely forgot about this book, thanks for reminding me! Would love to reread it as an adult

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