July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    1. Just had a look at this. It sounds great I will add it to my reading list.

      Currently reading Motherthing by Ainslie Hogarth. Thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to seeing where it goes.

    2. _SemperCuriosus_ on

      I’m almost done with No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy (It’s good but it’s a rare case where I think the movie is slightly better). I’m also reading Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy and The Recognitions by William Gaddis.

    3. I’m in the middle of The Running Grave. It’s like the 7th book of a series. The first one is called, The Cuckoo’s Calling.

      It’s by Robert Galbraith, who is a pseudonym for JK Rowling.

      It’s good so far. About a cult. Gets into a lot of things in how cults work, and their brainwashing techniques. Very interesting.

      The whole series is mystery thriller. I like them a lot.

    4. In the middle of Holly – by Stephen King


      Make Me King – book 5 of the Mountain Man series by Keith C Blackmore

    5. MarsupialPanda on

      Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell. I read Piranesi recently and really liked it, this is by the same author (Susanna Clark) but MUCH longer and I haven’t really got into it yet. But I have been super distracted this week and and hoping I’ll like it! I would recommend Piranesi for sure though, and I also just read Remarkably Bright Creatures and liked it a lot.

    6. demilitarizdsm on

      The Shadow of the Wind | I just came off a Thriller and the author has time period breaks (Chapters) – Part Breaks (Thematic) – Scene Breaks | and it is nice to take the cues and put it down and reflect after a thiller where its really hard to stop.

    7. Lamb by Christopher Moore. The story of Jesus as told by his best friend, Biff. It’s hilarious and well written.

    8. LetterheadNo9869 on

      I’m in the middle of two books:

      Cabin at the end of the world

      😊 I just picked up reading again after a 2 decade break lol.

    9. The Mountain Shadow. 2nd book of the Shantaram series.
      – G. Roberts

      Frankly I loved it. But reviews are mixed.

    10. Into_the_Dark_Night on

      I’m currently reading both The Sea King by C. L. Wilson and Royal Tea Service by Casey Blair.

      My next TBR is probably going to be Cute but Psycho by Beatrix Hollow, Jade City by Fonda Lee and All Systems Red by Martha Wells.

    11. urbandoubtfitters on

      Big Swiss by Jen beagin, I’ve been enjoying it !!! but I’m still stuck in a reading slump rn and haven’t picked it up in 2 weeks or so 🙁

    12. WelcomeToMyFantasies on

      Pride and prejudice, Jane Austen. I have started on a list of classics I wanna read. Jane Austen, the Brontë sisters, Harper Lee, Hemingway, Charles Dickens etc etc. It takes me longer than expected but I had to get accustomed to the way of writing for a bit.

    13. Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby van Pelt. Not far enough along to recommend yet but I do love the way she writes so far :-).

    14. The Only Good Indians by Stephen Graham Jones… spooky book season!


      Gangsters of Capitalism by Jonathan M. Katz

    15. Extension_Cucumber10 on

      The Woman They Could Not Silence, by Kate Moore. The true story of a 19th century pastor’s wife whose husband had her confined to a mental hospital because she dared challenge his religious views. The book is partly her story, part revelation of the outrageous way in which women were treated at the time, and part expose of the horrors of life inside a mental institution.

    16. thisisausergayme on

      I’m making my way through “Translation State” by Anne Leckie in audiobook form and I’m really enjoying it. If you like sci fi with strange AI and aliens that really feel alien, I would recommend Anne Leckie’s books in the Imperial Radch universe.

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