September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I just finished it and I thought it was an amazing read, it made me feel warm and nostalgic. Even though people complain about it, I think it was the simplicity of it (the prose and the story itself) that made it so sweet to me.

    I get the complaints that it was so simple “follow your dreams” but that makes me wonder if we read the same book. What about the value of everything we learn towards our Personal Legend being the real treasure, the physical chest at the end was only the reward for those who are brave enough to seek their Person Legend. It does not just tell you to follow your dreams, but explains all the reasons many might not; the merchant who fears going to Mecca because what can he look forward to after? His rejection does not make him lesser than the boy, in their last interaction there is acceptance and understanding that the boy will find his and the merchant will not. But the man still has and brought value. Everyone has their own journey and way of life, we aren’t meant to judge their choice but there is beauty in understanding and learning.

    The conversation with the boy’s heart that tells him why it betrays Personal Legends to protect itself from hurt and disappointment, is it not the same in love? The book made me think about that, if I found the kind of love the boy had for Fatima would I be able to leave to find my true purpose, or learn everything I still needed to learn? I probably wouldn’t be strong enough. The book wasn’t a “self-help” just do it book for me it allowed me to see myself in all of the characters not just the boy.

    With the biblical motifs and language and pictures of Arab culture I thought this book was just beautiful. They are simple ideas but that doesn’t make them less valuable. Isn’t it good to consider the meaning of life and love and creation?

    by moswaggity

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