July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m on the hunt for books for my mom for Christmas. She absolutely needs therapy but won’t go. She says she’s “fine.” So far I’ve earmarked the body keeps the score and my grandmothers hands.

    by Lokishandmaiden


    1. Midnight library maybe? Since she says she doesn’t need therapy, even tough she needs it, maybe it will be better to give a novel rather than a self help book in case she rejects it too

    2. What issues do you feel she needs therapy for? This may help us name some books tha4 cover things in a less than obvious way.

    3. PunkLibrarian032102 on

      TBH, giving a self-help book to someone because you think they need it is a shitty present and a waste of your money. Your mom has indicated she’s not interested in any kind of therapeutic treatment at this time. If someone did something like that to you I doubt you’d be brimming over with gratitude. And even if you were … that is YOU and not your mom. This gift should not be about you.

      What are her hobbies and interests? What things does she enjoy? Focus on that.

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