October 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi everyone! I thought I’d start a discussion for this book since I finished it and am curious about everyone’s thoughts. I think Crime Junkie does a lot of good for victims and their families, so I was excited to read Ashley’s book. I rated it 4/5 stars on Goodreads. I know that’s arbitrary, so I’ll explain my expectations. Overall, I really enjoyed it. I wanted a nice, fast-paced book for a beach vacation, and it met that expectation. The only thing was the ending. I thought it was a bit of a cliff hanger since we don’t know what happened to Margot after Billy’s flashback to the night January was killed. Obviously it was on purpose, but I don’t know if I loved it. The writing was nothing advanced but good for a mystery/fictional true crime book! What do you think?

    by crisprpolarbear


    1. Fun_Turnip7309 on

      I just finished it- it definitely kept me interested, and I had to put my day on hold until I finished it, so I enjoyed it. A few things bothered me, particularly that ending. It actually took a few moments for me to realize it was a cliff hanger: >!I forgot that Margot’s scene with Billy was unfinished!<

      Also, I couldn’t figure out why >! Billy found out he wasn’t the father in 1994, but killed Krissy in 2009!<

      But if I could read a whole book about Krissy’s life, I absolutely would! I wouldn’t need plot twists or suspense, just a story about that woman trying to live her life. I think that’s where the book could have really shone.

    2. ColonyDropper on

      By coincidence, I just finished this book half an hour ago. I wish I could have my time invested in this book back. Thanks to the ending, I hate this book. I am very much a happy endings reader. If I’m going to invest what little spare time I have, I want an escape, not a reminder that life is sometime unfair and can suck really badly.

      But to end the way it was written, to me, it read like a whole chapter is missing. Had the perspective been first-person, I’d understand the abrupt ending, but this was just utterly unsatisfying.

    3. I feel like she really put herself into these characters too much and just dropped the ball, especially with Krissy. Like she used her own life. Friend listening to Nirvana in 1985? Band wasn’t even formed yet. Krissy and her friend exchanging long texts in 2004? On a t9 phone? 2 people who graduated in 1987? No…they’re calling each other.

    4. i had really high hopes for this because i’ve been a crimejunkie fan for years. but for me, the way ashley flowers tells a story in her podcast didnt translate to a book.

      1, there were almost too many twists and turns to the point that the twists and turns in and of themselves became predictable

      2, i can’t list any off of the top of my head, but i remember when reading through it discovering some plot holes that just nagged at me

      3, the writing style itself for me just wasn’t very engaging, kinda flat

      4, the tension that built up between Elliot Wallace and Margot needed a climax – a cat and mouse game, some sort of dramatic confrontation

      5, the ending was unsatisfying and a huge cliffhanger that left the book feeling unfinished. i kept thinking i’d missed something

      6, the epilogue seemed out of place and haphazardly thrown in at the end to try and connect a few pieces together

      all in all, i gave it 3 stars on Goodreads. perhaps my expectations were too high and if i’d had none, i would have liked it more.

    5. Luci-Etchisketch on

      How do you picture the characters? My friend and i were chatting and we picture them completely different.

    6. spherocylinder on

      For me, it was also the fact that >!the book assumes that January was found holding the blanket meant that someone put it in there after her death because her death was by blunt force trauma. But she held it whenever she was afraid and the book also mentions she never slept without it. She could have easily been walking around in the night with it.!< I thought that premise was very flimsy and rushed.

    7. SoMuchMoreThanEnough on

      I just finished the audiobook. It did feel very long, well it was 10hr long audiobook. The beginning was dragged a lot. There are many places that could be filled up like uncle Luke’s perspective, how Chrissy found out that her husband killed the daughter, what happened to Margo at the end. Someone mentioned how she found Jace in Chicago, it felt very abrupt, from listening to that part I felt like I missed some details. ALso the end with finding Wallace was kind of rushed, while the beginning is too stretched out with unnecessary details. The epilogue was heartbreaking. Too many details about the murder scene, but I am just distraught at thinking a grown man killing a child, so for the sake of morality, she could skip some graphic bits. I feel like too many words were used on describing the process of finding out the murderer and figuring out the case and not enough substance in the events. I feel like this book could be written in 20 chapters maybe with less focus on Margot and her daily struggles. But it’s just my opinion because I think the focus on Margot kinda sidetracked the story and dragged it unnecessarily. I would not listen/read it again.

    8. Zealousideal-Owl5931 on

      *spoiler alert* TW ⚠️ The reader is well known, she has read a lot of my fave TC audiobooks. But the coincidences of Burke Ramsay and Jace…Not surprised there was parallels for shallow reporting and simple name changes, same MO, same inappropriate costuming of the dead little girl. Which is disturbing to even have a child in a book, written while pregnant. But written while pregnant with a little girl. A little girl that she has made public. One ⭐

    9. Puzzled-Penalty-2770 on

      But like, did Margot EVER get that spare key made?? That’s the true cliffhanger here

    10. I have to agree with other reviews in that this is pretty much a revised take on the JonBenet Ramsey case. I had mixed feelings about Ashley Flowers integrity going into this book, but gave it a shot. Loved the first half, the second half loses its voice a bit but good enough to keep me hanging on. The ending is so terrible it actually made me angry. Rushed and unfulfilling. No actual resolution. It seems Flowers’ controversial methods in investigating and reporting on true crime has followed her into her pivot as a fiction author. It would be nice if she could find her authentic voice and work on originality.

    11. I have spent the last few years reading non fiction and this was my first fiction book I picked up and finished. I would give a 4.3/5.

      What are the chances that Luke’s brother lived across the stress from Luke’s out of wedlock children and what are the chances January was killed the same time she was getting stalked?

      Does anyone have any recommendations of crime mysteries? I loved the feeling of not wanting to go to sleep so I can finish the book.


    12. TastyEntertainment41 on

      The ending stinks. If the ending was wrapped up better I would have enjoyed it but that ending was unfinished.

    13. Such-Reporter2582 on

      Wasn’t my usually crime thriller I enjoyed, honestly wasn’t super logically thought out. I really hated listening to Margot chapters at some points just cause she was inconsistent, easily side tracked and her hang up about the January murder was a smidge to fixated. I would find myself very agitated on the fact she could not, for the life of her, get any of the simple tasks, chores or whatever fairly important thing she had to do, done cause of the case. ALSO, when she got fired, because she wrote too much about January, when she was told don’t write too much about January or else, and then she is surprised she was fired really bothered me.
      I kinda gathered the ending too early on, with Krissys last chapter kinda showed all of her cards. I also agree with some of the comments in here they the holding of the blanket wasn’t illogical and shouldn’t have been the final ‘Ah-hah!’ Moment. And that reality has it, no 6 year old who fell down the dark stares without being directly pushed would result into blaming billy, whom I also hated.
      Also was bothered how everyone she interviewed was SO forthcoming, just like too easily. It just lead to the path too easily, and I felt like Wallace who was one of primary villains needed more of a background, more of a voice and confrontation as well, maybe would have been a better ‘ah-hah!’ When he would reveal he in fact did not murder January. Also had no idea why Billy decided that day he was gonna kill Krissy, like how did he know she caught on?
      It was a great train of thought that got derailed too quickly by too many filler unimportant (and unfinished) millennial tasks, lazy reveals through the interviews, and a cliff hanger that really didn’t make sense to have. I also was stuck on how she could legally leak the article as she broke into the storage locker but not the main point lol

    14. proud_garlic_mincer on

      Late to the party here but wanted to share that I was frustrated with the ending as well. Partially because it was so abrupt but also because justice was not served!!! From listening to Ashley Flowers podcasts, I expected/hoped for a crime story where there was a satisfying dose of justice in the resolution and this did not have it. Rated 3/5. I would give future books of hers another shot

    15. My big thing the whole book was the blanket! It was in her hand when she died but she also gave it to Margo I thought? Did she like cut a piece off of it for Margo or did she just let her borrow it?
      Also MAKE A SPARE KEY GIRL! That’s like moving in 101!
      I also was yelling with the whole Elliot Wallace being the killer of January since I don’t get why he would have left her body in the house. We also meta know the house was properly locked and stuff so idk why we’re lead to believe that Elliot killed her toward the end. Kinda frustrating.
      Idk I liked Krissy as a character but hated Margo. The whole case felt very Jon Benet.

    16. FellowshipOfTheButts on

      This book was honestly a pretty strange experience for me. I’m a fan of the Crime Junkie podcast, but I feel like Flowers’ work there does not translate well to book form.

      Firstly, there were WAY too many similarities to the Jon-Benet Ramses case. The family dynamics, weird break-in, contaminated crime scene, delayed reporting to the police, weird note supposedly left by the killer. Not sure why someone would essentially rewrite that case since it’s one of the most famous cold cases in existence. Maybe it was an attempt to bring in people who are new to the murder mystery genre?? No matter what, it seems like a weird choice.

      Secondly as most people said, Margot was a really annoying character. Her obsession with the January case got old quick. As did her constant guilt of leaving her uncle but then doing it over and over again. Speaking of that, I feel like her uncle was a plot device meant to throw a wrench into Margot’s investigation. There was too much reliance on the reader’s emotional responses in my opinion. Luke might as well have been an unruly pet or disobedient child.

      The small town setting was well done I believe, with the oh so polite but gossipy residents. But you expect me to believe that in a town that small no one was aware of Luke’s highschool nickname? I find that hard to believe.

      I found many of the twists way too convenient to be actually believable. In fact most of the plot was pretty unbelievable. The narrative relied too heavily on coincidences and off hand comments that led to huge discoveries. This book seemed to follow every stereotypical crime show plot device that neatly wraps up even the most complicated case within 45 minutes.

      Going against the tide here to say I am actually okay with the unsatisfying ending. The implication is that there will be a continuation or sequel that will cover all loose ends of the first book. Although I must admit I really don’t know what else they would include in the sequel unless the characters stumble into another unsolved cold case.

    17. I agree with a lot of the comments here. I just finished it and these are my feelings: it was drawn out in the beginning then rushed at the end. Definitely some plot holes BUT in addition to the epilogue which was riveting…I want to shout out the chapter when she is in Luke’s office. I had made a prediction earlier so as it came to fruition – wow. Let me just say, I was home alone and hearing thuds all around me. I loves how it truly scares me for a brief time

    18. Just finished it myself and my opinion seems like it lines more up with the I wish I could have the time back I invested in this book. Half way through I just wanted to get it over with. Finally in the last 80 or so pages it kind of pulled me back in. This said that I am not a true crime junkie, just from Indiana and picked up this book. I will say I would read more crime books just will need to check before I buy or read one as I don’t really like the >!bashing heads of small children as they call for there mommy!< as that sick and twisted crap is not my preference.

    19. I just finished it and immediately jumped here to see if people felt the same about the ending. I love her podcasts so much, so of course, I got the book. I loved it all the way till the ending, I feel let down by what seems like a big cliffhanger. Maybe there will be a second book.

    20. yeezytaughtme222 on

      >!I’m late to this but it was unclear to me if Krissy killed herself or it was Luke and why!<

    21. Spirited_Ideal_5319 on

      I am on chapter 13 and I am hating this book. I love Crime Junkie and Ashley Flowers, but this story is just blah. Out of spite I’m gonna finish it because I already sank so much time; I just want it to end.

    22. just finished the audiobook and most of what i had been already thinking is already on this thread, but a detail that i found confusing was whether krissy knew that billy killed january. the way it was framed in the book it sounded like the “father” krissy mentioned in the note to jayce was luke, considering that they had just spoken, but billy interprets it as her knowing the truth about the murder. idk. the pacing in this book was weird and i could not stand that whole plot when she was in chicago oh my god talk about the land of conveniences

    23. steph123456789012345 on

      Is there an other book coming out….. the ending was so unfinished. Love the book until the end. Terrible way to finish it.

    24. I agree with the general consensus on here that it was screaming Jon Benet case the whole time. Also I could NOT get through the book so I eventually compromised by listening on Spotify since audiobooks are now included on premium. In addition to the comments made here, I have some critiques of the audiobook.

      I hated that the two females reading it (one for Krissy, one for Margot) needed to do these horrifically cheesy impressions of men’s voices when reading the lines of any male in the story. It really ruined the vibe for me and I couldn’t stop rolling my eyes. Also being that for her other podcast Full Body Chills they spend so much time crafting sound effects and using multiple voice actors, I would have at least expected it to be read aloud better.

      And can we talk about how many times in this book someone “hitched a shoulder”? Omg. Such overuse of phrases and expressions.

      The ending was just terrible and I’m really disappointed. I used to be an avid Crime Junkie listener about 5 years ago and slowly my support dwindled until now where I don’t listen at all. I feel like she spread herself too thin amongst too many projects and the quality dropped significantly. I feel the same way about the Full Body Chills series. They all sucked this Halloween.

      Thanks for coming to my rant 😂 it’s 4 AM and I just finished the book so I needed to get this out so I can go to bed. Curious if anyone else has comments on the audiobook version.

    25. BeginningAd3640 on

      I wish I could count the number of times that she used the word “gaze” in the book. It became a running joke with my partner because, when listening to the audiobook, she says it like every 5 minutes.

    26. whogives_ashit on

      I wanted Jodie or Pete to swoop in and save Margot. I felt like these two characters could have been so much more…

    27. Just finished the audiobook and I was kind of confused on some stuff. I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one. Huge crime junkie fan, so I’m surprised this book isn’t better!

      I heard this was not written by Ashley Flowers though, and actually written by a ghost writer, with some of her input.

      If that is true, then it makes sense, two heads working on one thing probably got things jumbled and makes for confusion.

    28. Unknowingbean on

      I really wanted to like this book!! And I wish Ashley had done the audiobook, I love her voice. I just felt like the first 25 chapters could have been summed up in 10:(

    29. very late but I just finished this today and I need to say it: it was literally just the JonBenet Ramsey case smushed together with Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

    30. therealbananahunter on

      Agreed! I just finished this book today and loved it overall but really didn’t care for the cliffhanger ending. Maybe it ended on a cliffhanger because she’s gonna continue the story? Although I don’t think that’s the case. Obviously I want her to get away but even if she didn’t, it still needed an actual ending.

    31. As every other person has said, I hated the ending. However, I enjoyed the book up to that part. I thought it was fast paced and engaging. But wtf what the ending?? Like I need to know if Margo lives or dies and if she dates Pete

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