September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Every time I read a book thats been translated, there is always some note at the beginning stating something along than lines of “|’ve tried my best to translate, but this should merely be taken as an imitation of the original work because I am unable to grasp the work of art that is the original.” Is this the same for books originally written in english and being translated into other languages? does english lack the sort of cadence and meaning that can be created in other languages. This is, of course, an absolute on the topic of poetry as poetry is created with the language in mind. But when it comes to these lengthy novels where plot seems to take control, why is there still such an importance aimed at the translation to seem as though translating it made such a significant change to the work? perhaps I am in the wrong to assume that longer novels cannot be considered poetry.

    by uqlou

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