July 2024
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    1. LadongeloSmeef on

      Skeleton Crew, by Stephen King is great.
      Songs for the Unraveling of the World, By Brian Evanson is some of the weirdest creepiest fiction I’ve read in a loooooong time, maybe ever.

    2. I remember we had to read ‘Heart of Darkness’ in high school. Can’t recall exactly, but I think it was a collection of some older short horror stories. You could check it out.

    3. Fit-Assist-9567 on

      “The dangers of smoking in bed” and “Things We Lost in the Fire” both from Mariana Enríquez. She is an amazing Argentinian writer and her stories are something like horror magical realism.

    4. LimitlessMegan on

      Have you looked into any of the Kindle original series they put together for Kindle Unlimited – I think they call them the Original Collections. They frequently have a horror or suspense theme.

      Currently they have one called Creature Feature, but they’ve also done Into Shadow, Getaway, Trespass, Hush… There are others but those should help you find them. Each set has five or six novellas/short stories usually by big name authors.

      They are free on Prime or KU but also available for purchase. Definitely check out reviews because they aren’t all equal but when they are good they are great.

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