July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’ll be transparent — I’m not much of a reader.

    I lost my dad ten years ago. We were close; he was my non-abusive parent. I don’t know exactly how he died, which really compounded my grief. It’s possible it was suicide, suicide under duress, or outright murder. I’ll never know.

    I was finally starting to come to terms with it this year, and then I had to go no-contact with my mother. I guess I held on so long because she was my only surviving parent, but I finally had to admit it wasn’t worth the abuse.

    I have two siblings but she did not abuse them, just me, so I’m pretty alienated from them too. They either don’t believe me, or they tacitly excuse her behavior. There’s communication between us, but it’s rare and superficial.

    None of the media I consumed was helping, so I started reading. I’m currently reading The Body Keeps the Score, which I find fascinating and helpful to a degree, but I’m not sure it’s what I’m looking for.

    I need someone to relate to. I have a deep gnawing pain and I feel totally alone. I want to read from someone who has felt and experienced this personally. Thanks for any suggestions.

    by uncool4skool


    1. InterscholasticAsl on

      I’m so sorry you’re going through this.

      The essay “Coventry” by Rachel Cusk (not the book of essays, but the essay itself) goes into complicated parent dynamics

      You might look at White Oleander, too, though that’s fiction

      Wishing you luck and good energy

    2. No_Branch_8132 on

      The Mom Factor by Cloud and Townsend, or Necessary Endings. It’s Not Supposed to Be This Way by Lisa Tkyerest (sp?) not specific to parents but helpful

      I’m sorry you’re going through this!

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