July 2024
    M T W T F S S


    I’m kind of conflicted. I loved his title No Exit, but this one? I kind of hate it. After the first passage for the Author character, I slapped the book down and went to my husband to tell him how irritated I was. I described the character as “a reddit Moderator meme personified who worships Andrew Tate.” *He laughed* and groaned after having me read it out to him.

    I would like to know some other opinions on this title. I want to like this book, but that one particular character ruined it for me. The way my husband described his feelings towards the character (after also reading it) is “its like Taylor Adams had one bad encounter with a basement dweller who one starred him and wrote an entire fan fiction purely to spite the guy.” *I honestly have to agree.*

    What did y’all think?

    by VinarriAsh260


    1. natalie_mf_portman on

      I like hating a character when the author intends it. This book was enjoyable for me because it is the only way I can read/experience writing from a perspective of that sort of person — and there’s a lot of it online/here on Reddit — but because the author wants you to delight in hating him, it was fun for me. I don’t agree at all that this book was Adams’ own fantasies reacting to a personal experience, I think that’s a reach and kinda insulting. But I also agree No Exit is better tho haha

    2. IntelligentPanic8737 on

      I pretty much felt the same way. I loved No Exit but this one and Hairpin Bridge were just pretty meh to me.

    3. CrazyCatLady108 on

      did you finish the book?

      i really enjoyed that book.

      the twists were great and more than a few nods to readers/reviewers/online communities was great.

      i also really enjoy Taylor Adam’s protagonists. they fight and win but in realistic ways. they behave how i would behave.

    4. solitaireflower on

      I’ve loved No Exit as well but I was disappointed by this one. It just really fell flat for me. The premise, while interesting, was just over the top and ridiculous at times. Even worse the last third of the book dragged on and the ending was very predictable imo

    5. I did not like this book at all. People keep citing the “twists”, but I found those twists were old 30 years ago.

    6. trumpskiisinjeans on

      This book was awful! It’s been awhile since I read it but I rolled my eyes so many times. I think I have it two stars? Thrillers have gone hill but I keep reading them for some reason.

    7. I liked it, it wasn’t for everyone for sure. I wasn’t super on board until I picked up on the ridiculousness of it all, there was a lot of satire going on. It’s one of those books where the goal is to make you groan and roll your eyes.

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