July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I was enjoying The Thief by Megan Whalen Turner. It has rich language with a slower pace. Sabriel had that as well, and I think I’m missing out on some books published 20 years ago that I haven’t heard of. However, in the book after The Thief, something terrible happened to the main male character during torture – and I’m having a hard time convincing myself to continue.

    Is there a fantasy series that is that rich – with that slow pace and full description – that doesn’t have amputations, sexual assault, eyeballs or tongues out, etc.? Or if there’s some damage, they can fix it? Sabriel has this – it’s YA, though. (So was The Thief, but that didn’t stop Meghan.) The Scholomance series was good – still YA. Winternight trilogy – YA. Mirror Visitors series – YA. Any others? Esp adult. Romance is great, but I am also looking for more fantasy.

    by lady__jane


    1. fragments_shored on

      I know exactly what you’re talking about in The Thief series and it put me off too, which is a bummer because I loved the first book.

      You might like “The Hero and the Crown” and “The Blue Sword” by Robin McKinley (same universe but can read in either order or as standalones), especially if you missed them in your youth. “The Hero and the Crown” might be my Roman Empire, honestly. They’re YA but in re-reading them as an adult they’ve become even richer. They have gravitas and are beautifully written. There’s a little fantasy violence but absolutely nothing gruesome.

    2. How about

      The wayward children series

      The paper magician series

      Howls moving castle

      A wizard of earth sea

      A long way from a small angry planet (scifi) by Becky Chambers

    3. Any violence or assault is minimal (if it is mentioned at all). The few books below where it is there are generally hopeful, optimistic reads.

      Robin McKinley:
      -Spindle’s End
      -The Blue Sword
      -The Hero and the Crown

      Tamora Pierce:
      -Alanna/Song of the Lioness Quartet
      -The Immortals Quartet

      Tanith Lee:
      -The Claidi Journals

      Philip Pullman:
      -The Golden Compass/His Dark Materials

      Sherryl Jordan
      -Winter of Fire

      Ursula K. Le Guin:

      Patricia C. Wrede:
      -The Enchanted Forest Chronicles

      Susan Cooper:
      -The Dark is Rising

      Lloyd Alexander:
      -The Chronicles of Prydain

      Patricia McKillip:
      -The Riddle-Master Trilogy

      Diana Wynne Jones:
      -Howl’s Moving Castle

      Terry Pratchett:
      -Tiffany Aching/Wee Free Men

      Neil Gaiman:
      -The Graveyard Book

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