July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I am looking to buy my wife some new romance novels – she is a big fan of Evie Dunmore and Mimi Matthews – the legendary women and belles of London series. She also liked the Wallflowers series by Lisa Kleypas – but she didn’t love the Ravenels by Lisa Kleypas. And she isn’t into Martha Waters. She claims she isn’t into bodice rippers and that she really likes books with intelligent women looking for smart men. Any suggestions?

    by ikedavis


    1. **Venetia** by Georgette Heyer

      **Slightly Dangerous** by Mary Balogh

      **Mr. Impossible** by Loretta Chase

    2. unlovelyladybartleby on

      Anything by Jennifer Crusie but especially Bet Me, Anyone But You, Faking It, Manhunting, or Agnes and the Hit Man.

    3. killingmenotsoftly on

      A Lady’s Guide to Fortune Hunting by Sophie Irwin: has no sex/is FTB like Mimi Matthews’ work.

      A Lady Awakened by Cecilia Grant: Has sex scenes but i wouldn’t consider it a bodice ripper (this is subjective though); it’s thoughtful and has an interesting plot.

      Good luck; hope you find something your wife loves!

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