September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    [This book]( came into my belongings when my aunt gifted it to me. I had never heard of it before and had never seen anyone talk about it, but it had a surprisingly high rating on goodreads and one of my friends had taken a Scandinavian Literature class that primarily focussed on detective fiction, and had always hounded me to get into the genre and at least pick up a book or two. So, it was kind of fate that I had this book in my arsenal.
    I should start by saying that detective fiction is probably my least liked genre, or sub-genre. I’ve never been able to get into it, DNFing books from both Elroy and Christie. That being said, this book was definitely an enjoyable read. All the characters were fun to follow, especially Hess and his backstory, and the Danish cities made for a fun change of scenery. I find Scandinavian content to be a bit more brutal and to-the-point than American or British detective fiction, so I think the writing style gelled with me a bit more than it usually does. Overall, it didn’t blow me away most likely just due to the fact that I don’t vibe with this genre, but there was a lot to like about it and I would actually pick up more from this author if anything comes my way. I’d say if you want a refreshing perspective on the detective fiction genre, this would be the place to go! Would love to hear other people’s thoughts on it too.

    (Also, my copy was translated by Caroline Waight! Don’t know if there are more translators out there or if their translation did the book justice in English 🙂 )

    by penguin-47284

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