July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Does that happen to anybody else? You pick a book that looks interesting, realize you can predict the ending in the beginning, and immediately take it back the same day? I did that today with “The Girl in his Shadow” by Audrey Blake.

    I know the book is probably great (and I should give the book a chance), well researched and an enjoyable read for people who like books like that, but I immediately disliked it.

    by JokoBippo

    1 Comment

    1. LowBalance4404 on

      Yes, that happens to me from time to time. I usually know 10 or so pages in if it’s reaching me but I try to get to page 50 to really decide if I’m done.

      I think all books are great but some just aren’t meant for me and have a different audience.

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