July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Inspired by the Fabel blog post today, when was the last time you DNFed a book and what was it? Some people absolutely will not DNF and others will with wild abandon! For me, I rarely DNF but the last time i did was yesterday and the book was Practical Magic. I was hoping for something to put me in the spooky season mood and after reading 120 pages, it wasn’t doing it for me. Seeing the movie likey contributed because the book didn’t have the same vibe. You?

    by billymumfreydownfall


    1. I think the last time I DNF’d a book was in my teens, some 30 odd years ago. That being said, I’m fairly picky about what I read and if I do come across a book I’m not enjoying I’ll put it in the “read a little bit every day until it’s over” category while I do things I actually enjoy. That keeps it from being too painful and, sometimes, I end up enjoying it by the end or, at least I can say I’ve read it and offer a meaningful opinion should it ever actually come up in conversation.

    2. I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself. I dropped it 20% in because the prose is like, amateurishly bad, which is a huge bummer because I had been really excited for it after reading the NYT review.

    3. Foucault’s Pendulum, probably 20 years ago. But I’ve dragged myself through a ton of books I hated every page of the way over the years. But FP is the only one I managed not to finish.

    4. i dnfed a graphic novel because it was hard to see on my ereader and i dont read physical books. I didnt even add it to my good reads. I would have looked at it in my app or browser but the art style just wasnt what i was interested in today. The full book i dnfed last year was starship troopers it was too militray jargon for me and really male i was mostly just bored. recently i dnfed something wicked this way comes as i found it too similar to my adhd rambling brain to actually enjoy. It was like a nightmare and i literally suffer from nightterrors so it wasnt enjoyable.

    5. Yesterday, Hillbilly Elegy. I will drop books if they aren’t for me. Life is short and this way I can read more good material. It’ll take me 6 months to finish a book I don’t like, and then I’ve wasted 6 months reading a book I don’t like…

    6. Like two weeks ago, I put down *The Last House on Needless Street* like 25% of the way in. I really was not feeling it, and it just seemed like a book that was demanding a lot of effort to stick with it, but that did not seem to be promising a lot of payoff.

    7. These abbreviations are overwrought as it is. You’re in a subreddit about books, use your words.

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