September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Hi, tl;dr, my mom would like to know more about stoicism and I am sort of struggling with determining what “entry” book to get for her. I read the rules, read the recommended literature and feel that maybe “Stoicism and the Art of Happiness” by D. Robertson would be a great choice.

    But then I figured I would ask yous here for recommendations as well? I know, for a fact that pointing my mom to Meditations or Epictetus will not work, because she cannot read this continuously, and she will not like the book, if it requires often to stop and ponder the thoughts and their applicability to her life.

    Something that would read like a story with the message communicated would be the best. But I am out of wits here. Any tips?

    Thanks for your time and help!

    by FormerLie

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