September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This is the guy that wrote the famous book “The denial of death” and I haven’t been able to find a clear answer to this question. You would think that after writing a book on death it would be easy to find his view on an afterlife or lack there of but I haven’t really found much.

    Sometimes it sounds like he believes we’re just worm food after death and other times he seems to have more faith. When he was on his death bed he was using words like “god” and “the divine” but maybe thats because he was literally facing death and was just coping.

    Curious to hear thoughts from people that have looked further into his work. Was he an atheist? Afterlife? No afterlife? Worm food? Agnostic? Did the guy ever say what he believed when it came to death and the afterlife?

    by theportalishere

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