July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    in recent years, i’ve been reading more ebooks through my library systems app, mostly out of convenience but also to save money.

    recently got a bookstore gift card and would like to purchase some books that are better read as a physical copy. one example that comes to mind is house of leaves where the layout on some of the pages would probably be harder to enjoy reading on my cellphone.

    flexible across genres although i don’t really love scifi

    by lkroa


    1. “horrorstor” by grady hendrix would likely be a book like that as well. i listened to the audiobook and i don’t think it held up well in that context. so much of what people enjoy about that book only exists in the physical form.

    2. demilitarizdsm on

      they sometimes sell boardgames in bookstores. If you didn’t know BGs are in a golden age of design and you can get some out of this world games for 20 – 30 bucks

    3. “This Body isn’t big enough for the bot h of us” by Edgar Cantero is much, much more engaging as a physical copy.

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