July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Looking for an introspective writer that would agree with the idea that living is pointless, but writes on their niche perceptions of beauty and adorations for life. someone kind of philosophical. I’m definitely not afraid of anything “too melancholy”. More personally, I am looking for something to offer me a new perspective on living, loneliness, and love and happiness. I fear that my current habits do not encourage the behavior of the gentle, wise, old man that I someday hope to be, and could use some inspiration. I am a lazy out of touch writer that cares about the wrong things and would like to get the rusty gears in my head turning again. preferably an older writer as well.

    (I must add that I haven’t really read anything but song lyrics since the dramatic teen fictions I so enjoyed in high school).

    by cfeagin

    1 Comment

    1. *Pilgrim at Tinker Creek* by Annie Dillard?

      Would you like *Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance* by Robert Pirsig?

      Hesse? Like *Steppenwolf* or *Siddhartha*?

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