July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    I’m hung up on picking my next read and I’m looking for suggestions. I recently finished Moby Dick and really enjoyed it but I’m not sure where to go from here. Some of my all-time faves would be Dune, Blood Meridian, and East of Eden. Also, I checked Infinite Jest off the list last year, and while I wouldn’t say it was an all-time fave, I had a lot of fun with it.

    Examples of books I’ve struggled to appreciate are the Master and Margarita, Suttree, and White Noise. There were things I liked about each of these books, but overall, I was looking forward to moving on while reading them.

    I’m interested in sticking with the classics, but open to more contemporary pieces as well. Some other helpful tidbits of info are that I don’t like horror at all and would give bonus points to anything with a left political bend. Also, the standard Reddit recommendations of Don Quixote and The Three Musketeers aren’t very appealing to me. Swords, chivalry, and knights aren’t really my vibe.

    I’ve read most of Steinbeck at this point and already plan to check out more Cormac McCarthy but looking for new authors before going deeper into my favs.

    Lastly, anything with philosophical ambitions is appreciated.


    by fartjarrington


    1. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky

      The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

    2. Opus-the-Penguin on

      Interesting set of constraints. My first thought is *Catch-22*. It’s amusing and light-hearted at the start, so it’s easy to get involved; but it gets deeper from there.

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