July 2024
    M T W T F S S

    This book made no actual sense whatsoever and I finished the book hating most of the characters except Willow and Amelia.

    Suing your best friend over something you don’t even make a deal for many years ago just because you need some money? and then the daughter is suddenly okay with it out of a sudden?

    Had the series focuses more on Willow (which makes a LOT more sense) than her idiotic parents I would have been okay with it. But every time I heard the mother speaks I wanted her to shut up.

    Like I had encounters with parents that have sick family that can’t afford money to pay for their medical expenses either but even they don’t sue their own friend.

    This books shows nothing, not any lesson and have no redeemable quality whatsoever.
    At least with Wuthering Heights it made sense as it was shown the horrible characters were a product of their environment growing up, but suing your best friend whom you have friendly with for many years out of a sudden?

    What kind of mother tells people in court she wish her daughter was never born?
    Wiilow was also a kid at the time.

    and the ending? Willow dies by an accident, which would have still happened anyway in her lifetime.
    because operations would NOT cure her. which shows why suing is dumb step in the first place.
    The book has high reviews but I was so disappointed by this book.
    I feel horrified by how the parents treat Amelia, and how left out she is. The neglect and trauma these parents caused her.

    Everytime I had to listen to Charlotte trying to justify her behavior made me hate her for hurting Amelia even more.

    Amelia literally hurt herself and developed an ED. and the book doesn’t even address her concerns well, at the end she suddenly accepted her parents behavior.

    this book isnt even a fun read, focuses too much on Charlotte instead of Willow, and how the parents get away with what they did to their kids and be excused for it. They even threaten divorce and cause fear to their kids.

    Conclusion: basically this book is about parents destroying the mental health of their kids and gets away with it, with the kids suddenly forced to be okay with their behavior.
    Cant believe the amounts of ‘justification’ I read from Charlotte POV.

    by QuietFoundation5464


    1. Between this and ‘My Sister’s Keeper’ I think Jodi Picoult has Mommy issues. Her mothers are awful. And she is addicted to nihilistic, pulled out at the last minute endings.

      What did you think of the little turd flourish of having Charlotte shove that multimillion check into Willow’s coffin? Aside from the utter rage inducing hopelessness of it, shows how much she cared about Amelia, other children with brittle bone syndrome or Parker (answer: not at all). Not to mention what sort of court or insurance company pays out in a paper check in 1 huge lump sum? If something that large didn’t get cashed within a certain time limit, the banks or accounting firms would be checking up for sure.

      I think it’s symbolic that Charlotte kept yapping about syllabub desserts. Staying drunk and/or on a sugar high is the only way to tolerate this woman.

      EDIT: sorry, Charlotte was the awful mother in Handle with care. Sara was awful mother in ‘Sister’s Keeper.’

    2. I read this book as a teenager and haven’t read it since but I remember it being the first book that I felt emotional over. As the sibling of a person with a high needs disability I related so much to Amelia. And the relationship you have with your parents is complicated in that situation. You know they’re doing the best they can with the hand they’ve been dealt but you wish they could have done better at the same time.

    3. I wanted to like this book. I was so mad by the end of it, I thought about throwing it in the trash.

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