September 2024
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    1. Legitimate-Record951 on

      **The Good Faires of New York**

      Not the most popular of Martin Millers books, but it’s the first of his that I read, and it has quite a lot of different plotlines which somehow feel sorta connected. I just gonna quote the blurb:

      >When a pair of fugitive Scottish thistle fairies end up transplanted to Manhattan by mistake, both the Big Apple and the Little People have a lot of adjusting to do. Heather and Morag just want to start the first radical fairy punk rock band, but first they’ll have make a match between two highly unlikely sweethearts, start a street brawl between rival gangs of Italian, Chinese, and African fairies, help the ghost of a dead rocker track down his lost guitar, reclaim a rare triple-bloomed Welsh poppy from a bag lady with delusions of grandeur, disrupt a local community performance of *A Midsummer Night’s Dream,* and somehow manage to stay sober enough to save all of New York from an invasion of evil Cornish fairies.

      Fave quote:

      >“Don’t worry, fairy vomit is no doubt sweet-smelling to humans.”

    2. Check out Alexandre Dumas! The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo are swashbuckling pageturners that have stood the test of time. If you haven’t seen the movies, they definitely go in some unexpected directions.

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