September 2024
    M T W T F S S

    Before The Road the only other McCarthy book that I had read was Blood Meridian, which was one of the most challenging and violent books I’ve read in recent memory. I really struggled following the conversations in Blood Meridian, who was saying what and so forth. The Road was easy mode comparatively. Anybody could read this without any difficulty at all, I feel. There were no sections that I had to go back and read again to figure out what just happened in this scene. This is definitely a much, much easier jumping-on-point for somebody unfamiliar with McCarthy’s style and body of work.

    What surprised me the most was that, at its heart, The Road is a love story. Not a romantic love story, but the deep love of a father for his son. Yes, there are some elements of something akin to horror and definitely suspense, but that’s just the window dressing. REALLY this story is about a man who is willing to do absolutely anything to protect his child in a world that is fraught with danger and uncertainty everywhere you turn. I saw my own father in the man, and my memories of being a child and that sense of security and safety that I had with my dad in those days really resonated with what I saw in the child. It felt very nostalgic to me even though I’ve obviously never been through anything remotely close to this.

    This wasn’t a book that was “scary” to me. This book was uplifting. Inspirational even. I came away feeling very emotional at the end, which I wasn’t expecting. If you’ve hesitated reading this book because you’re not feeling the whole post-apocalyptic thing then please give it a chance. It was an easy, quick read that I finished over a weekend and left me feeling proud of my dad and reminded me of how much I love him.

    Was it better than Blood Meridian? I can’t even compare the two. They’re so different it almost feels like they were written by separate people. If you’re looking for a book that will challenge you and demand all that you have to give as a reader then Blood Meridian is probably what you’re looking for. If you are looking for a book to relax with and enjoy and make you reflect on the idea of a loving parent then it’s definitely The Road.

    by jjason82

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